Baked Goods & Mixes

bake at home

Stock our ready-to-bake items in the freezer until you feel a hankering for a proper midnight treat or a midday snack. 

make it yourself

Want you do a little more yourself, make your own home baked goods with our bakery-quality mixes & easy-to-follow videos.

Bakery Quality at home

You don’t always have the time to make that run to the awesome bakery downtown. And we feel you. We love them too. But for the days when you need something ready to go without compromising quality, pick something you can throw together or even just throw in.

Think it can’t be just as good? Think again. Our resident food scientist & chef has done all the hard work for you so you can just sit back, and enjoy.

save time

Even if you know how to bake, when do you have the time? Let us do the hard work so you can sit back and enjoy the spoils.

grab a perfect moment

If life is about moments, don’t waste your moments with a subpar dessert or sad sandwich bread. Live a little.

bake an adventure

It can be scary to just dive into baking all alone. Let us help you dive into your baking adventure with all the right tools.

Taste testing it right

You’d think that when someone’s developing a cookie for the grocery store shelf, they’re comparing to the best cookie they can make at home. But often that isn’t possible because companies aren’t set up for that.

We have always prioritized testing against the best we can find. We test our bakery recipies until they’re perfected before moving them into a mix or ready to bake and we always test against the original made from scratch version so you can taste made-from-scratch goodness in your own home.

Culinary + Science

Many food companies are started either by chefs—who know a lot about food but not a lot about how it’s produced on a mass scale—or food scientists—who know all about food production and development, but never learned classic food and flavor technique. Bake me is the brainchild of a chef/food scientist and an ambitious home cook who knew that, together, they could produce a whole range of products that were better than what the industry was giving them. 

Good food is the foundation of genuine happiness.

Auguste Escoffier

Contact Us

We’re still in the development stage, but we should start producing in the next couple months! Interested on being notified when we are ready to sell or have a question for us? Let us know!
